The Karunai Illam Trust is a New Zealand incorporated charitable trust which support a children’s home in the rural town of Nilakottai, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India.
Karunai Illam provides a home away from home for about 50 young girls and boys. Many of the children come from single parent families who are unable to financially support their children. They reside at Karunai Illam during the school term and are fully supported with their schooling, residential and extracurricular activity costs met by the Trust.
Over the years, Karunai Illam has grown to fulfil the dream of the late Wellingtonian writer Jean Watson. The Trust was set up to support Jean’s work. She purchased 2 hectares of rural land in 1989 after selling her Wellington home in Aro valley. As well as locating the school, this productive piece of land grows vegetables, fruit and flowers.
December 2024 marked the 10th anniversary of Jean’s death and the Trust has undertaken a number of special commemorative events to honour the founder. This includes the production of a special cookbook ‘Suvai’ meaning taste in Tamil. It is a collection of vegetarian recipes that have nourished and delighted the children of Karunai Illam for decades. The recipes have been passed down through generations and adapted to local ingredients and represent the heart and soul of the Illam kitchen. Check it out here: A Cookbook for Good. There is a second print run so copies are still available, and there are other ways to support the Trust’s work. The Trust is a member of the Council for International Development and supported by Future Partners through an annual donation.
One of Future Partners’ Associates Meenakshi Sankar has a long-standing involvement with the Karunai Illam Trust and has been a core member of the fundraising team. Find out more about Meenakshi and her work.